10. Command Summary
All commands normally begin with the "/" (foreword slash) character. If you wish to temporarily suppress command echo, use the "\" (backward slash) character instead of a forward slash.
All command lines are invoked by pressing the [Enter] key.
Both the System Level Password and User Level Password are case sensitive.
10.1. Display Commands
These commands are used to display the help screen, circuit status and network status.
/H Display Help Screen
Displays a Help Screen (Figure 3.2), which lists all available commands, along with a brief description of each command.
Command Format: /H [Enter]
Response: Displays Command Help Screen, followed by the PLS> command prompt.
Command Availability: System and User.
/S Display Circuit Status
Displays a status screen (Figure 3.1), which lists the currently selected A/B line for each of the three circuits, and the selected values for features such as the Command Echo and Inactivity Timeout.
Command Format: /S [Enter]
Response: Displays Circuit Status Screen, followed by the PLS> command prompt.
Command Availability: System and User.