Usln Your Mkrowave Oven
Cont 9nued
Hlnts for better defrostlng
Your microwave oven controls four different output powers automatically during the defrost cycle. After the second segment is completed, five tones will sound but the oven will continue to defrost. At the sound of the tones, open the oven door and turn the food over, close the oven door and touch START. The oven will automatically continue to count down the amount of time left on the timer.
Auto welght defrost aequenca list
Meat l BEEF ..................... Ground beef, Round steak, Cubes for stew, Tenderloin steak, Pot roast, Rib roast, Rump roast, Chuck roast, Hamburger patty
l IAMB ..................... Chops
l PORK .................... Chops (%inch thick), Hot dogs, Spareribs,
l VEAL ..................... Cutlets (1 lb,
Pouftry l CHICKEN .............. Whole (under 4 Ibs), Cut up Breasts (boneless)
l CCRNISH HENS. .. Whole
l TURKEY ................ Breast (under 6 Ibs)
Fish l FISH ................ ...... Fillets, Steaks, Whole
l SHELLFISH ........... Crabmeat, Lobster tails, Shrimp,
0.115.9 Ibs
0.1/5.9 Ibs
0.1/5.9 Ibs