8.Wicker, Straw, Wood: All of these materials are safe for brief use in your microwave oven. Remove any metal fittings.
9.Metal Utensils: Metal utensils and utensils with metal straps, clips, or screws should not be placed in your microwave oven while the oven is in operation. Use wooden skewers, which are available at most cookware shops.
10.Brownlng Skillets: Browning skillets or grills are useful to provide extra surface browning
of meats such as steaks and hamburgers. They heat to a very high temperature and should be ‘handled with great care. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for directions and proper use.
6. Some mlcrowavlng tlps
Bolllng Water: Place 1 cup of water in a
Instant Coffee: Place 6 ounces of water in a microwavable cup or mug. Cook uncovered 2 to 2% minutes at HfGH power, or until hot. Stir in coffee crystals.
Hot Cocoa: Place 1 or 2 teaspoons each of cocoa powder and sugar in an
NOTE: For safe heating of liquids in a microwave oven, see ‘Operating Safety Precautions’ on page 29.
Heatlng Syrup or Honey: Place in a glass pitcher and cook uncovered at HfGH power until warm. Stir once. One cup syrup or honey will take 2 to 3 minutes.
Melting Butter or Margarine: Place butter or margarine in a custard cup or glass measuring cup. &ok uncovered at HfGH power until melted.
Softening Butter, Margarlne or Cream Cheese: Unwrap and plarx on a serving plate. Cook uncovered at Cook Power 2, checking at
Melting Chocolate Squares and Chocolate
Pieces: Place in a custard cup or glass bowl and cook uncovered at HIGH power. One square of unsweetened chocolate or 1 cup of chocolate pieces will take 1 minute 15 seconds. Two squares of unsweetened chocolate or 2 cups of chocolate pieces will take 2 minutes 30 seconds.
Stir until smooth.
Melting Caramels: Combine one
Toastlng Almonds: Place sliced or slivered almonds in a shallow baking dish and add 1 teaspoon of butter or margarine per ‘h cup of nuts. Cook uncovered 3 to 4 minutes at HIGH power, or until light brown, stirring every minute.
Toastlng Coconut: Place unsweetened, flaked or grated coconut in a
Freshening Up Stale Chlps and Pretzels:
Place chips or pretzels in a
Warmlng Bread and Rolls: Wrap in a napkin or place in a
Cooklng Bacon: Place bacon slices on a doubfe thickness of paper towel on a paper plate and cover with a paper towel. Cook uncovered 1 to 1% minutes per slice at HIGH power, or until crisp. ff you wish to save the drippings, cook bacon on a rack placed inside a microwavable baking dish.