&P$t~‘ISafety Precautions
lf your electric power line or outlet voltage is less than the normal 120 volts, cooking times may be bnger.
-St a Qlsh for safe put it into the oven with a cup of water beslde It Cook on 100% Cook Power for one minute. If the dlsh gets hot and water stays cool, do not use lt. Some dishes (melamine, Centuraa etc.) ahsort, micm- wave energy, becoming too hot to handle and slowing cooking times.
Product Damage Hazard
Remove wlre twist-ties from paper or plastb bags before placlng bag In oven. Cooklng In metal oontalners not deslgned for microwave use can damage the oven, as can containers wlth hklden metal (twlst- tlea, foil Ilnlng, staples, metallic glaze
or Mm).