Usln Your Mlcrowave Oven Cont 9nued
10.Touch START. The STAGE 1 and % POWER Indicators will stay on. During the STAGE 1 cycle the oven will be off. but the Display will count down the set time. After this time is up, the STAGE 2 and 3 cycles will begin.
NOTE: ll you hear the fan start when you touch START, you have not set the oven properly. Touch the CANCEL Pad and start over. When using Delayed Start, the oven cooks only during the STAGE 2 and 3 cycles.
To avokf sickness and food waste when using delay start:
l Do not use foods that will spoil while waltlng for oooklng to start, such as dlshes wlth mllk or eggs, cream soups, and cooked meats or flsh. Any food that has to Walt for cooklng to start should be very cold or frozen before tt Is put In the oven. MOST UNFROZEN FOODS SHOULD NEVER STAND MORE THAN TWO HOURS BEFORE COOKING STARTS.
DDo not use foods oontalnlng baking powder or yeast when uslng delay start. They will not rise properly.
) Do not allow food to remaln In oven for more than two hours after end of cooklng cycle.