Error Messages
B-4 975-0200-01-01
Device-Specific Error List
An error in the range [-399, 300] or [1, 32767] indicates that the
instrument has detected an error which is not a command error, a query
error, or an execution error; some device operations did not properly
complete, possibly due to an abnormal hardware or firmware condition.
These codes are also used for self-test response errors. The occurrence of
any error in the class causes the device-specific error bit (bit 3) in the
Event Status Register to be set.
-284 Program currently running
Certain operations dealing with auto sequence programs may
be illegal while the program is running. For example, deleting a
running program is not possible.
-285 Program syntax error
There is an error in the program definition.
-290 Memory use error
Indicates that a user request has directly or indirectly caused an
error related to memory or <data_handle>s. This is not the
same as “bad” memory.
Table B-2
Execution Error List
Error Code Error Message Description
Table B-3
Device-Specific Error List
Error Code Error Message Description
-300 Device-specific error.
Indicates that the power supply could not complete the
operation due to some condition of the power supply.
-310 System error.
This error is queued when the power supply cannot convert the
input to a calibrated value.
-313 Calibration memory lost.
-314 Save/recall memory lost.
Indicates that the non-volatile data saved by the *SAV
command has been lost.
-315 Configuration memory lost.
Indicates that non-volatile configuration data saved by the
power supply has been lost.
-321 Out of memory.
An internal operation needed more memory than was available.