Certain menu items displayed on the control panel are password protected for the KEY OPERATORS and TECHNICIAN ONLY. Untrained persons adjusting parameters can cause a great deal of damage to the folder. For each of these, the user will be prompted to enter the password. Use the number 1 button (up) until the appropriate number is reached, then press the number 3 button (set/enter). You now have access until either of two events occurs: Power to the folder is cycled on/off; or, a 10 minute interval passes with the keypad in the operators fold selection (default) mode. In either event, the keypad will return to a locked state requiring
The Key Operator Password can be obtained from your service technician.
System Menu
Page 1
1:Communications mode
2:Infeed jog Fwd
3:Infeed Jog Rev
Page 2
1:Device Test
2:Assign folds
3:Assign handfeeds
4:Recent errors
Page 3
1:Stack sensor
Jam clearance – drives infeed motor forward
Jam clearance – drives infeed motor in reverse
Substitutes for an LED. Displays the status of the photosensor at the tower exit: 1 = open (no paper present), 0 = covered (paper detected).
Communications mode
Page 1
1:NORMAL = Normal printer/folder communications
2:USE KEYPAD FOLDS = Overrides Controller fold selections, but maintains communications (e.g., for job recovery)
3:NONE = Serial port disconnected (comms OFF)
4:LOOPBACK TEST = Communications test
Page 2
1: Quit
Jog functions
These are accessible to the operator - no password required.
Parameter viewing and modification
Viewing - unrestricted access
Modification - technician only
2750 op#4 R3.doc