[2] Panel measuring phase
A measured length of the document is taken up by the folding drum.
At the start of the process the drum turns counter-clockwise [1], taking the document through the lower fold roll, then stopping at the point [2], where the distance between the leading edge of the document (A) and the upper fold roll (B) equals the accordion panel width chosen by the operator. At this point the drum reverses [3].
[3] Drum reversal develops a loop
The document continues to be advanced by the in-feed rolls at the same time as it is being driven backward by the drum
The loop (C) caused by the in-feed rolls and drum driving in opposite directions expands to the point where it is trapped by the upper fold roll, thus making the first fold.
[4] Completion of the first fold
Pressure of the fold roll on the drum makes a sharp crease at point C.
2750 op#3 R3.doc 10-02 | Page 3-2 |