ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide

1The ZyWALL anti-virus scanner cannot detect polymorphic viruses.

2The ZyWALL does not scan the following file/traffic types:

Simultaneous downloads of a file using multiple connections. For example, when you use FlashGet to download sections of a file simultaneously.

Encrypted traffic (such as on a VPN) or password-protected files.

Traffic through custom (none-standard) ports.

ZIP file(s) within a ZIP file.

3When a virus is detected, an alert message is displayed in Microsoft Windows computers.2

14.3General Anti-Virus Setup

Click SECURITY, ANTI-VIRUSto display the configuration screen as shown next.

Figure 122 Anti-Virus: General

2.For Windows 98/Me, refer to the Appendix J on page 726 for requirements.


Chapter 14 Anti-Virus