ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide

Note: You should have already registered the ZyWALL at myZyXEL.com (http:// www.myzyxel.com/myzyxel/) and also have either activated the trial license or standard license (iCard). If your license has expired, you will have to renew it before updates are allowed.

14.4.1 mySecurity Zone

mySecurity Zone is a web portal that provides all security-related information such as intrusion and anti-virus information for ZyXEL security products.

You should have already registered your ZyWALL on myZyXEL.com at:


You can use your myZyXEL.com username and password to log into mySecurity Zone.

14.4.2 Configuring Anti-virus Update

When scheduling signature updates, you should choose a day and time when your network is least busy so as to minimize disruption to your network. Your custom signature configurations are not over-written when you download new signatures.

IDP signatures (see the chapters on IDP) are included with file-based anti-virus signatures. When you download new signatures using the IDP Update screen, anti-virus signatures are also downloaded. The version number changes both in the IDP Update screen and this screen. Both screens also share the same Auto-Updateschedule. Changes made to the schedule in one screen are reflected in the other.

Note: The ZyWALL does not have to reboot when you upload new signatures.

Click SECURITY, ANTI-VIRUSfrom the navigation panel and then click the Update tab.


Chapter 14 Anti-Virus