ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide

Table 90 Content Filter: Categories (continued)





Unrated Web Pages

Select Block to prevent users from accessing web pages that the external


database content filtering has not categorized.


When the external database content filtering blocks access to a web


page, it displays the denied access message that you configured in the


CONTENT FILTER General screen along with the category of the


blocked web page.


Select Log to record attempts to access web pages that are not



When Content Filter Server

Select Block to block access to any requested web page if the external

Is Unavailable

content filtering database is unavailable. The following are possible




There is no response from the external content filtering server within


the time period specified in the Content Filter Server Unavailable


Timeout field.


The ZyWALL is not able to resolve the domain name of the external


content filtering database.


There is an error response from the external content filtering


database. This can be caused by an expired content filtering


registration (External content filtering’s license key is invalid”).


Select Log to record attempts to access web pages that occur when the


external content filtering database is unavailable.

Content Filter Server

Specify a number of seconds (1 to 30) for the ZyWALL to wait for a

Unavailable Timeout

response from the external content filtering server. If there is still no


response by the time this period expires, the ZyWALL blocks or allows


access to the requested web page based on the setting in the Block


When Content Filter Server Is Unavailable field.

Select Categories




Select All Categories

Select this check box to restrict access to all site categories listed below.



Clear All Categories

Select this check box to clear the selected categories below.



Adult/Mature Content

Selecting this category excludes pages that contain material of adult


nature that does not necessarily contain excessive violence, sexual


content, or nudity. These pages include very profane or vulgar content


and pages that are not appropriate for children.


Selecting this category excludes pages that contain sexually explicit


material for the purpose of arousing a sexual or prurient interest.

Sex Education

Selecting this category excludes pages that provide graphic information


(sometimes graphic) on reproduction, sexual development, safe sex


practices, sexuality, birth control, and sexual development. It also


includes pages that offer tips for better sex as well as products used for


sexual enhancement.

Intimate Apparel/Swimsuit

Selecting this category excludes pages that contain images or offer the


sale of swimsuits or intimate apparel or other types of suggestive clothing.


It does not include pages selling undergarments as a subsection of other


products offered.


Selecting this category excludes pages containing nude or seminude


depictions of the human body. These depictions are not necessarily


sexual in intent or effect, but may include pages containing nude paintings


or photo galleries of artistic nature. This category also includes nudist or


naturist pages that contain pictures of nude individuals.


Chapter 16 Content Filtering Screens