ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide
Table 240 Menu 25.1: IP Routing Policy Setup
port start / end | Source port number range from start to end; applicable only for TCP/UDP. |
Destination |
addr start / end | Destination IP address range from start to end. |
port start / end | Destination port number range from start to end; applicable only for TCP/UDP. |
Action | Specifies whether action should be taken on criteria Matched or Not Matched. |
Gateway Type | Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select IP Address and enter the IP |
| address of the gateway if you want to specify the IP address of the gateway. The |
| gateway is an immediate neighbor of your ZyWALL that will forward the packet to |
| the destination. The gateway must be a router on the same segment as your |
| ZyWALL's LAN or WAN port. |
| Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Remote Node to have the |
| ZyWALL send traffic that matches the policy route through a specific WAN port. |
Gateway addr | This field displays if you selected IP Address in the Gateway Type field. Defines |
| the outgoing gateway address. The gateway must be on the same subnet as the |
| ZYWALL if it is on the LAN, otherwise, the gateway must be the IP address of a |
| remote node. The default gateway is specified as |
Remote Node Idx | This field displays if you selected Remote Node in the Gateway Type field. Type 1 |
| for WAN port 1 or 2 for WAN port 2. |
Redirect Packet | This field applies if you selected Remote Node in the Gateway Type field. |
| Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Yes to have the ZyWALL send |
| traffic that matches the policy route through the other WAN interface if it cannot |
| send the traffic through the WAN interface you selected. |
Type of Service | Set the new TOS value of the outgoing packet. Prioritize incoming network traffic |
| by choosing Don't Care, Normal, Min Delay, Max Thruput, Max Reliable or Min |
| Cost. |
Precedence | Set the new outgoing packet precedence value. Values are 0 to 7 or Don't Care. |
Log | Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Yes to make an entry in the |
| system log when a policy is executed. |
Edit policy to | Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Yes or No (default). Select Yes |
packets received | to configure Menu 25.1.1: IP Routing Policy Setup discussed next. |
from |
When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt "Press [ENTER] to confirm or [ESC] to cancel" to save your configuration or press [ESC] to cancel and go back to the previous screen.
50.2.1 Applying Policy to PacketsTo apply the policy to packets received on the selected interface(s), go to Menu 25.1: IP Routing Policy Setup and press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes in the Edit policy to packets received from field. Press [ENTER] to display Menu 25.1.1 - IP Routing Policy Setup (shown next).
643 | Chapter 50 IP Policy Routing |