ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 88 Anti-Spam Rule Edit





Rule Edit





Turn this entry on to have the ZyWALL use it as part of the whitelist or blacklist. You


must also turn on the use of the corresponding list (in the Anti-Spam


Customization screen) and the anti-spam feature (in the Anti-Spam General




Use this field to base the entry on the e-mail’s source IP address, source e-mail


address or an MIME header.


Select IP to have the ZyWALL check e-mail for a specific source IP address.


You can create whitelist IP address entries for e-mail servers on your LAN or DMZ


to speed up the ZyWALL’s processing of your outgoing e-mail.


Select E-Mailto have the ZyWALL check e-mail for a specific source e-mail


address or domain name.


You can create a whitelist entry for your company’s domain name (or e-mail


accounts) to speed up the ZyWALL’s processing of e-mail sent by your company’s




Select MIME Header to have the ZyWALL check e-mail for specific MIME headers


or values.


Configure blacklist MIME header entries to check for e-mail from bulk mail


programs or that have content that are commonly used in spam. You can also


configure whitelist MIME header entries to allow certain MIME headers or values


that identify the e-mail as being from a trusted source.

IP Address

This field displays when you select the IP type. Enter an IP address in dotted


decimal notation.

IP Subnet Mask

This field displays when you select the IP type. Enter the subnet mask here, if



E-Mail Address

This field displays when you select the E-Mailtype. Enter an e-mail address or


domain name (up to 63 ASCII characters).


You can enter an individual e-mail address like abc@def.com.


If you enter a domain name, the ZyWALL searches the source e-mail address


string after the “@” symbol to see if it matches the domain name.


For example, you configure a entry with “def.com” as the domain name:


E-mails sent from def.com e-mail addresses such as abc@def.com match the




E-mails sent from mail.def.com, such as abc@mail.def.com do not match the entry


since “mail.def.com” does not match “def.com”.


This field displays when you select the MIME Header type.


Type the header part of an MIME header (up to 63 ASCII characters).


In an MIME header, the header is the part that comes before the colon (:).


For example, if you want the whitelist or blacklist entry to check for the MIME


header “X-MSMail-Priority: Normal”, enter “X-MSMail-Priority” here as the MIME




This field displays when you select the MIME Header type.


Type the value part of an MIME header (up to 63 ASCII characters).


In an MIME header, the part that comes after the colon is the value.


For example, if you want the whitelist or blacklist entry to check for the MIME


header “X-MSMail-Priority: Normal”, enter “Normal” here as the MIME value.

Chapter 15 Anti-Spam