Static MAC Forward Setup

Use these screens to configure static MAC address forwarding.

10.1 Overview

This chapter discusses how to configure forwarding rules based on MAC addresses of devices on your network.

10.2 Configuring Static MAC Forwarding

A static MAC address is an address that has been manually entered in the MAC address table. Static MAC addresses do not age out. When you set up static MAC address rules, you are setting static MAC addresses for a port. This may reduce the need for broadcasting.

Static MAC address forwarding together with port security allows only computers in the MAC address table on a port to access the Switch. See Chapter 19 on page 164 for more information on port security.

Click Advanced Applications > Static MAC Forwarding in the navigation panel to display the configuration screen as shown.

Figure 46 Advanced Application > Static MAC Forwarding



MES3500-24/24F User’s Guide