Chapter 31 PPPoE

Trusted ports are connected to PPPoE servers.

If a PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer), PADS (PPPoE Active Discovery Session-confirmation), or PADT (PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate) packet is sent from a PPPoE server and received on a trusted port, the Switch forwards it to all other ports.

If a PADI or PADR packet is sent from a PPPoE client but received on a trusted port, the Switch forwards it to other trusted port(s).

Note: The Switch will drop all PPPoE discovery packets if you enable the PPPoE intermediate agent and there are no trusted ports.

Untrusted ports are connected to subscribers.

If a PADI, PADR, or PADT packet is sent from a PPPoE client and received on an untrusted port, the Switch adds a vendor-specific tag to the packet and then forwards it to the trusted port(s).

The Switch discards PADO and PADS packets which are sent from a PPPoE server but received on an untrusted port.

31.2The PPPoE Screen

Use this screen to configure the PPPoE Intermediate Agent on the Switch.

Click Advanced Application > PPPoE in the navigation panel to display the screen as shown. Click Click Here to go to the Intermediate Agent screen.

Figure 138 Advanced Application > PPPoE Intermediate Agent

31.3 PPPoE Intermediate Agent

Use this screen to configure the Switch to give a PPPoE termination server additional subscriber information that the server can use to identify and authenticate a PPPoE client.



MES3500-24/24F User’s Guide