Chapter 26 IP Source Guard

Table 78 DHCP Snooping Configure (continued)



Renew DHCPEnter the location of a DHCP snooping database, and click Renew if you want the
Snooping URL

Switch to load it. You can use this to load dynamic bindings from a different DHCP


snooping database than the one specified in Agent URL.


When the Switch loads dynamic bindings from a DHCP snooping database, it does not


discard the current dynamic bindings first. If there is a conflict, the Switch keeps the


dynamic binding in volatile memory and updates the Binding collisions counter in the


DHCP Snooping screen (Section 26.4 on page 220).




Click Apply to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The Switch loses


these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Save link on the top


navigation panel to save your changes to the non-volatile memory when you are done






Click this to reset the values in this screen to their last-saved values.



26.5.1 DHCP Snooping Port Configure

Use this screen to specify whether ports are trusted or untrusted ports for DHCP snooping.

Note: The Switch will drop all DHCP requests if you enable DHCP snooping and there are no trusted ports.

You can also specify the maximum number for DHCP packets that each port (trusted or untrusted) can receive each second. To open this screen, click Advanced Application > IP Source Guard > DHCP Snooping > Configure > Port.

Figure 116 DHCP Snooping Port Configure



MES3500-24/24F User’s Guide