Chapter 24 Multicast





Table 61 Advanced Application > Multicast > Multicast Setting (continued)






Specify the action to perform when the Switch receives an unknown multicast frame.


Multicast Frame

Select Drop to discard the frame(s). Select Flooding to send the frame(s) to all ports.






The IP address range of to are reserved for multicasting on the


Multicast Group

local network only. For example, is for all hosts on a local network segment and is used to send RIP routing information to all RIP v2 routers on the same



network segment. A multicast router will not forward a packet with the destination IP



address within this range to other networks. See the IANA web site for more information.



The layer-2 multicast MAC addresses used by Cisco layer-2 protocols,



01:00:0C:CC:CC:CC and 01:00:0C:CC:CC:CD, are also included in this group.



Specify the action to perform when the Switch receives a frame with a reserved multicast



address. Select Drop to discard the frame(s). Select Flooding to send the frame(s) to all









This field displays the port number.






Settings in this row apply to all ports.



Use this row only if you want to make some settings the same for all ports. Use this row



first to set the common settings and then make adjustments on a port-by-port basis.



Note: Changes in this row are copied to all the ports as soon as you make them.





Immed. Leave

Select this option to set the Switch to remove this port from the multicast tree when an



IGMP version 2 leave message is received on this port.



Select this option if there is only one host connected to this port.





Normal Leave

Enter an IGMP normal leave timeout value (from 200 to 6,348,800) in miliseconds. Select



this option to have the Switch use this timeout to update the forwarding table for the






In normal leave mode, when the Switch receives an IGMP leave message from a host on



a port, the Switch waits for IGMP reports after the multicast router sends out an IGMP



Group-Specific Query (GSQ) message to determine whether other hosts connected to the



port should remain in the specific multicast group.



This defines how many seconds the Switch waits for an IGMP report before removing an



IGMP snooping membership entry when an IGMP leave message is received on this port



from a host.





Fast Leave

Enter an IGMP fast leave timeout value (from 200 to 6,348,800) in miliseconds. Select



this option to have the Switch use this timeout to update the forwarding table for the






In fast leave mode, right after receiving an IGMP leave message from a host on a port,



the Switch sends out an IGMP Group-Specific Query (GSQ) message to determine



whether other hosts connected to the port should remain in the specific multicast group.



This helps speed up the leave process.



This defines how many seconds the Switch waits for an IGMP report before removing an



IGMP snooping membership entry when an IGMP leave message is received on this port



from a host.





Group Limited

Select this option to limit the number of multicast groups this port is allowed to join.





Max Group Num.

Enter the number of multicast groups this port is allowed to join. Once a port is registered



in the specified number of multicast groups, any new IGMP join report frame(s) is



dropped on this port.






MES3500-24/24F User’s Guide