Chapter 13 Spanning Tree Protocol

Table 34 Advanced Application > Spanning Tree Protocol > Status: MSTP (continued)



Port ID

This is the priority and number of the port on the Switch through which this Switch must


communicate with the root of the Spanning Tree.




This field displays the configuration name for this MST region.





Revision Number

This field displays the revision number for this MST region.




A configuration digest is generated from the VLAN-MSTI mapping information.

This field displays the 16-octet signature that is included in an MSTP BPDU. This field



displays the digest when MSTP is activated on the system.



Topology Changed

This is the number of times the spanning tree has been reconfigured.





Time Since Last

This is the time since the spanning tree was last reconfigured.






These fields display the MSTI to VLAN mapping. In other words, which VLANs run on each


spanning tree instance.




This field displays the MSTI ID.




This field displays which VLANs are mapped to an MSTI.



MSTISelect the MST instance settings you want to view.




Root refers to the base of the MST instance. Our Bridge is this Switch. This Switch may


also be the root bridge.



Bridge ID

This is the unique identifier for this bridge, consisting of bridge priority plus MAC address.


This ID is the same for Root and Our Bridge if the Switch is the root switch.



Internal Cost

This is the path cost from the root port in this MST instance to the regional root switch.



Port ID

This is the priority and number of the port on the Switch through which this Switch must


communicate with the root of the MST instance.





MES3500-24/24F User’s Guide