Chapter 13 Certificate Screen

13.4 Certificate Screen

Use this screen to view, delete and import certificates.

Click CERTIFICATE to open the NWA’s summary list of certificates and to import a new certificate. See the following figure.

Figure 59 Certificate

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 43 Certificate



Delete Certificate




You can delete

Select the certificate from the list that you want to delete.

a certificate





Click this to delete the selected certificate.



Import Certificate




File Path

Enter the location of a previously-saved certificate to upload to the NWA.


Alternatively, click the Browse button to locate a list.




Click this button to locate a previously-saved certificate to upload to the NWA.




Click this button to upload the previously-saved certificate displayed in the File


Path field to the NWA.



13.5 Technical Reference

This section provides technical background information about the topics covered in this chapter.

13.5.1 Private-Public Certificates

When using public-key cryptology for authentication, each host has two keys. One key is public and can be made openly available. The other key is private and must be kept secure.



NWA1100-N User’s Guide