Chapter 8 Wireless Security Screen

8.4.1 Security: WEP

Use this screen to use WEP as the security mode for your NWA. Select WEP in the Security Mode field to display the following screen.

Figure 36 Security: WEP

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 22 Security: WEP



Profile Name

This is the name that identifying this profile.



Security Mode

Choose WEP in this field.




Select Open or Shared Key from the drop-down list box.





Data Encryption

Select 64-bit WEP, 128-bit WEP or 152-bit WEP to enable data encryption.




Enter the passphrase or string of text used for automatic WEP key generation on


wireless client adapters.




Click this to get the keys from the Passphrase you entered.



Key 1 to

The WEP keys are used to encrypt data. Both the NWA and the wireless stations

Key 4

must use the same WEP key for data transmission.



If you chose 64-bit WEP, then enter any 5 ASCII characters or 10 hexadecimal


characters ("0-9", "A-F").


If you chose 128-bit WEP, then enter 13 ASCII characters or 26 hexadecimal


characters ("0-9", "A-F").


If you chose 152-bit WEP, then enter 16 ASCII characters or 32 hexadecimal


characters ("0-9", "A-F").


You must configure all four keys, but only one key can be activated at any one






Click Apply to save your changes.





NWA1100-N User’s Guide