Both AC and DC voltmeters are necessary. Measurable range of the AC voltmeter is as follows.
0 to 15OV: For a voltmeter with an output voltage of 110 or 120V
0 to 300V: For a voltmeter with an output of 220, 230, or 240V
Measurable range for the DC voltmeter is from 0 to 20V.
Both AC and DC ammeters are necessary.
The AC ammeter must have a scale range from 0 to approximately 15A, and the DC ammeter also must have a scale range from 0 to approximately 15A.
The frequency meter must have a scale range from 45 to approximately 65 Hz.
Note: Note the input voltage range for the frequency meter.
For AC | For DC |
For AC | For DC |
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Fig. 7-