Intel Xeon, 6300ESB ICH user manual Miscellaneous Buttons, Power Buttons

Page 32

System Overview

5.7Miscellaneous Buttons

Figure 10 below shows the location of the power buttons within the platform.

Figure 10.












Power Buttons






























































￿￿￿￿Controller￿￿￿￿I/O ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿
























￿￿￿ ￿






















32Intel® Xeon™ Processor, Intel® E7520 Chipset, Intel® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User’s Manual

Image 32
Contents User’s Manual SeptemberContents Contents Contents Figures TablesRevision History Date Revision DescriptionRelated Documents Product ContentsProduct Overview Products Feature List Block Diagram +$&0,,+ Dimm Placement DDR2 Dimm Placement DDR2Memory Subsystem Supported Dimm Module TypesMemory Population Rules and Configurations DDR2 400 Memory Dimm OrderingPower Button Platform ManagementSoft Off Sleep States Supported2 S1 State 3 S2 State4 S3 State 5 S4 StatePCI PM Support Platform ManagementSystem Fan Operation Processor Thermal ManagementPrecautions Equipment Required for CRB UsageDriver and OS Requirements Drivers included on CDEquipment Required for CRB Usage Windows Compatible Driver Package Contents Jumpers and Headers JumpersJumper Settings Sheet 1 Ref Des Description/SettingsJumper Settings Sheet 2 BSEL0 J4J3Jumper Settings Sheet 3 IchsmbclkSystem Overview Power DiagramsBlock Diagram Clock Block Diagram Platform ClockingPlatform Resets Platform Reset DiagramSMBus Block Diagram SMBusIRQ Routing Diagram Platform IRQ RoutingProcessor VRD Settings Sheet 1 VRD VID HeadersProcessor VRD Settings Sheet 2 Power Buttons Miscellaneous ButtonsDebug Procedure Level 1 Debug Port 80/BIOSLevel 1 Debug Port 80/BIOS Test Pass/Fail Criteria Cause of FailureLevel 2 Debug Power Sequence Level 2 Debug Power SequenceLevel 3 Debug Voltage References Level 3 Debug Voltage ReferencesHeatsink Assembly Components Requiring Heat Sink AssemblyComponent Quantity per BoardProcessor Heat Sink Installation Instructions Inserting Processor in SocketInstalling the Processor Backplate Installing the Heatsink