•DDD (Julian)
•YYYYDDD (Julian)
-Separator: (the examples indicate a format of YYYYMMDD)
•Slash: 2007/08/24
•Period: 2007.08.24
•Space: 2007 08 24
-Specific date: allows you to select a specific time if you do not want to use the current date within the scanner.
•Time: the format is HH:MM.
-Specific time: allows you to select a specific time if you do not want to use the current time within the scanner.
•Space: adds a space.
•Image Address: Fixed and Image Address: Levels: these are defined on the Image Address tab. Only the levels currently defined will be available.
•Message: allows you to specify custom text to be included in your print string. A maximum of 20 characters is allowed. You can have up to 6 unique messages per messages.
To view the Japanese characters correctly you must get the MS Gothic font set by installing the Microsoft Global IME 5.01 for Japanese - with Language Pack, English Language Version which can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/iebuild/ ime5_win32/en/ime5_win32.htm.
Template: Example — shows a sample of what the print string will look like. As you select items in the Format list, the corresponding portion within the example will be highlighted.
Font — you can select what orientation you want your information to be printed.
-Normal: prints a single vertical line of characters (one character per horizontal line).
-Block: prints a block of characters (6 characters per horizontal line).
NOTE: This option is only available when the
• Style: available character styles: Normal and Bold.