Template: Format — allows you to define your print string. The maximum amount of characters for the print string is 40 characters (including spaces).
Add — displays a list of items you can add to your print string. When you select an item, that item will appear at the end of the Format list.
Change — allows you to change the currently selected item in the Format list with one of the items from the list that is displayed.
Delete — allows you to remove the currently selected item from the Format list.
As you build your print string, only items that will fit in the
Items — when an item is selected, any associated options will be displayed to the right of the Format list.
•Counter: this is the document count for the scan session. This value is incremented sequentially by the scanner and returned in the image header.
-Starting value: allows you to set the document count for the next document that will be scanned.
-Field width: allows you to configure the width of the counter from 1 - 9. However, if for example, you only have 6 characters left in the print string, then the field width would be limited to 6.
-Leading zeroes: allows you to configure the format of the counter when the width of the value is less than the field width (the examples indicate a field width of 3 and the counter at 4).
•Display: "004"
•Do Not Display: "4"
•Display As Spaces: " 4"