| Color Amount: the amount of color that needs to be present in a |
| document before it will be saved as either color or grayscale. As the |
| value of Color Amount increases, more color pixels are required. Valid |
| values are 1 to 200. |
| Color Threshold: the color threshold or intensity (i.e., pale blue vs. |
| dark blue) at which a given color will be included in the color amount |
| calculation. A higher value indicates that a more intense color is |
| required. Valid values are 0 to 100. |
Learn | If Low, Medium and High options do not give you the desired results, |
| use the Learn option. |
| 1. Click Learn and follow the prompts. |
| 2. Place at least 5 representative color documents in the input elevator |
| and click OK. These documents will be analyzed and the |
| recommended color amount will be calculated. |
| 3. Write down the Color Amount and Color Threshold values that |
| are displayed in the dialog box as these are the settings you will be |
| required to use in your application. |
| NOTE: These settings were calculated based on the representative |
| color documents scanned. If these values do not provide the |
| desired results with your production job set, you may need to |
| manually adjust the Color Threshold. |