4 Using the ISIS Driver
The main ISIS Driver window
The ISIS Driver is software that communicates with the scanner. This driver is created and maintained by EMC Captiva and is provided with the scanner by Kodak. Many scanning applications support ISIS drivers and this driver can be used to interface with them.
This chapter provides descriptions of the options on the tabs of the main ISIS Driver window and how to set these options.
See the section entitled, “Starting the Scan Validation Tool” in Chapter 3 to access the main ISIS Driver window.
The main ISIS Driver window provides a set of 12 tabs. You can select each of these tabs and make any choices necessary to meet your scanning needs. The buttons on the bottom of the window apply to all the tabs.
Default the values on all tabs will be reset to the factory defaults.
Copy this function is only available when scanning
OK saves the values set on all tabs.
Cancel closes the window without saving any changes.