1.2.2Bypass Mode
When the Liebert NXL is in bypass mode, the load is directly supported by utility power and is with- out battery backup protection.
The Liebert NXL’s inverter and bypass static switch will shift the load from the inverter to bypass mode without an interruption in AC power if the inverter is synchronous with the bypass and any of the following occurs:
•Inverter fails
•Inverter overload capacity is exceeded
•Inverter is manually turned off by the user
If the inverter is asynchronous with the bypass, the static switch will transfer the load from the inverter to the bypass WITH interruption in AC power to the critical load. This interruption will be less than 10ms. This interruption time may be altered by modifying the Output transfer interrupt time setting.
1.2.3Battery Mode
When utility AC power fails, the Liebert NXL protects the critical load by instantaneously channeling battery power to the inverter, which continues supporting the critical load without interruption.
When utility power returns and is within acceptable limits, the Liebert NXL automatically shifts back to Normal mode, with the rectifier powering the critical load.
1.2.4Maintenance Bypass
The installation of a Maintenance Bypass Cabinet or Assembly is recommended to allow you to totally isolate the UPS from all power sources. Use of the Maintenance Bypass is described in 2.0 - Opera- tion.
A number of options are available from Liebert for your UPS system. (Some options are not available for all ratings.) Described below are the most frequently provided options. The first three battery items are required to complete the UPS system. The remaining options provide improved sys- tem performance or convenience. Other options are available. Contact your Liebert sales representa- tive for more information.
•Battery and
•Module Battery
•Input Current Distortion
•Two Breaker Maintenance