Table | |
Font family | Stresses and weights |
Palatino | Roman, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic |
Parisian | |
ParkAvenue | |
Poetica | SuppOrnaments |
Ryumin | |
ShinGo | Bold, Light, Medium |
StempelGaramond | Bold, BoldItalic, Italic, Roman |
Symbol | |
Tekton | Tekton, Bold |
Times | Bold, Bold Italic, Italic, Roman |
TimesNewRomanPS | Bold Italic MT, Bold MT, Italic MT, MT |
Trajan | Bold |
Univers | Regular, Bold, BoldExt, BoldExtObl, |
| BoldOblique, Condensed, |
| CondensedBold, CondensedBoldOblique, |
| CondensedOblique, Extended, Light, |
| LightOblique, Oblique |
Wingdings | |
Woodtype Ornaments | Two |
XeroxLogoTypes | |
ZapfChancery | Medium Italic |
ZapfDingbats | |
PCL resident fonts
There are three types of PCL 5e resident fonts that are permanently loaded at the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server controller:
Scalable Intellifont typefaces
LaserJet IV bitmap typefaces
Typefaces that match the TrueType fonts as shown in Table
System Guide | 5- 5 |