The Print Server supports the following records in the ASCII job ticket:
•%XRXhighlightPrintingColor: {blue l red l green}
•%XRXmismatchedHighlightPrinting Color: {Abort l SelectCurrent l Intervene}
•%XRXhighlightMappingAlgorithm: {Automatic l ColorToHighlight l Pictorial l Presentation l Monochrome}
•%XRXhighlightMappingColor. {black l red l green l blue l cyan l magenta l cardinal l royalBlue l ruby l violet l brown l yelllow, loadedColor}
Resource based scheduling for NPS color
To support the use of DSC comments in Resource Based Scheduling, the preprocessor scans the DSC comments and map them to job attributes. The Job Chooser reconciles the attributes to determine the resources required by the job.
The following table lists the highlight color DCS comments supported.
DSC | Option | Parameters | Notes | |
Comment | ||||
| ||
| |
%% | HighlightMapping | {none,automatic,colorTable | Ignore none and | |
Beginning | Algorithm | s, | ColorTables | |
Feature |
| colorToHighlight,pictorial, |
| |
| presentation} |
| |
| HighlightMappingColor | {none, black, blue, brown, | Ignore none, | |
| cardinal, cyan, dontCare, | dontCare, other, | |
| green, magenta, other, red, | and unknown. | |
| royalBlue, ruby, unknown, |
| |
| violet, yellow} |
| |
| HighlightPrintingColor | {none, black, blue, brown, | Ignore all except | |
| cardinal, cyan, dontCare, | black, blue, | |
| green, magenta, other, red, | green, and red. | |
| royalBlue, ruby, unknown, |
| |
| violet, yellow} |
| |
| MismatchedHighlightPrinti | {none, abortPrint, | Ignore none, | |
| ngColor | reuqestOperatorInterventio | MapabortPrint to | |
| n,useLoadedColor} | CancelJob. Map | |
| RequestOperator | |
| Intervention to | |
| HoldJOb | |
System Guide | 3- 7 |