Configuring XJDC/Unix
The configuration file, CONFIG.TXT found in the directory /opt/
XRXnps/bin/, contains default parameters for the invocation of
XJDC. The text file can be edited using any simple text editor.
The first line of the configuration file must not be edited; it contains XJDC version information. Each subsequent line contains a single option; any text following the first word, and any invalid options, are ignored. Options may be repeated or contradicted on following lines; the last option specified overrides previous options. The following sample configuration file is provided:
XJDC VM10 PDL Compiler
OUTPATH =/opt/XRXnps/resources/lcds
XJDC hints and tips
•If the config file needs to be changed, modify the /opt/XRXnps/ XRXXJDC/data/CONFIG.TXT file. Otherwise, the default setting in the CONFIG.TXT file takes effect.
•An example for the syntax /opt/XRXnps/bin/XJDC filename would be: /opt/XRXnps/bin/XJDC /home/XDJCtest/ BASIC.JSL where the filename is represented by /home/ XJDCtest/BASIC.JSL
•The output files are stored under the OUTPATH directory which is specified in either /opt/XRXnps/bin/CONFIG.TXT file or command line. For example, if OUTPATH is /opt/XRXnps/ temp/, then all the output files are put in the directory of /opt/ XRXnps/temp.
•JSL source files can be edited using the textedit command or UNIX vi command. The textedit utility is available with the sun operating system. To invoke the editor, bring up a Terminal window and type textedit. For example, open a terminal shell and on the command line, type: textedit BASIC.JSL or vi
•During the XJDC compilation, if an error is encountered, the compiler prints the error report to the printer. Ensure the first
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