Figure 40 Large Ceramic Tube Properly Inserted into the Quartz Heater Assembly
15Approximately 1.5 cm of the large ceramic tube should extend above the top of the quartz heater assembly. Slide a 1/4" Swagelok nut over the large ceramic tube and then also slide a 1/4" ferrule over the tube (flat side on back of the nut).
16To begin the final alignment and tightening, use a 7/16" wrench and 5/16" wrench to tighten the 1/4" Burner adapter
17Using a 5/8" wrench on the heater swivel nut and a 1/2" wrench on one of the flats of the tapered union fitting, tighten the heater swivel nut
adapter, rotate this fitting so that the brazed H2 line is aligned 180 ° (opposite) from the oxidizer Inlet port.
Figure 41 Tightening the Heater Swivel Nut
18Making sure that the Burner inlet fitting does not loosen, use a 1/2" wrench on a flat of the tapered union fitting and 9/16" wrench on the 1/4" Swagelok
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