Table 5 Troubleshooting Detector Issues (continued)
Problem | Possible Cause | Diagnosis | Corrective Action |
Burner Fault Cycles. (off and | Cracked tube. | Pressure increases | Replace broken tubes. |
ON) |
| >525 torr, Burner faults. |
| Cycle repeated as |
| temperature and pressure |
| reset. |
Burner Fault Cycles (off and | Leak in Burner. | Pressure increases | Locate and repair leaks, |
ON) |
| >600 torr, Burner faults. | check integrity of ferrules. |
| Cycle repeated as |
| temperature and pressure |
| reset. |
Table 6 Troubleshooting Pump Issues
Problem | Possible Cause | Diagnosis | Corrective Action |
Pump is noisy |
Pressure in the reaction cell Change sleeve/seal. is unacceptably high and the
pump is getting audibly noisy.
Pump Doesn’t Start | Dry piston seals have | Pump fuses blow | Dry piston requires |
| recently been changed. | immediately after changing | time of a few minutes after |
| the seals and sleeves. | seals are changed. |
Pump Doesn't Start | Pump switch off (dry piston | Locate pump switch on | Turn ON switch. |
| pump must start from | pump and verify position. |
| atmospheric pressure). |
Fuses Blow on Startup | Emulsified oil (worn seals | Inspect oil for integrity. | Change pump oil, and plug |
| and head on dry piston |
| unit into wall to run for |
| pump). |
| minutes. |
Water in Pump | Cracked coalescing filter. | Milky yellow oil in the pump | Change coalescing filter and |
| window. | pump oil. |
Reaction Cell Pressure High | chemical trap clogged. | Remove trap from the | Change chemical trap. |
| vacuum line and confirm |
| expected pressure readings. |
Reaction Cell Pressure High | Leak in ozone generator. | Air regulator falls rapidly to | Replace ozone generator. |
| zero when turned off. |
Pump Loses Oil | Ballast Open. | Oil level drops. | Reset ballast |
Gurgle Sound |
| See Pump specific sections. |
High level of oil in | Plugged oil return restrictor | No visible movement of oil in | Change filter and clear |
Coalescing Filter |
| the return line. | restrictor. |
Operation and Maintenance Manual | 115 |