nut of the Burner adapter to tighten the tapered union fitting
19Rotate the quartz heater assembly so that the thermocouple and heater leads are in the same plane and pointed in the same direction as the peg on
the Burner inlet fitting. Turn the splitter fitting so that H2 inlet port is also aligned with the peg on the Burner inlet fitting.
Figure 42 Proper Alignment of the Burner
20Tighten the nut on the splitter fitting
21Carefully bend the H2 line into position so that the 1/16" Valco nut and ferrule can be screwed into the side port of the splitter fitting. Tighten the
connection of the H2 line to the splitter fitting using a 3/8" wrench on the vertical flat of the splitter fitting and 1/4" wrench on the Valco nut.
22Make sure that no connections have loosened or moved out of alignment, if so, reposition or retighten the fittings as needed.
23Replace the Burner in the shroud.
24Follow the standard system
Operation and Maintenance Manual | 101 |