| |
Command | Description | |
IMAX <current> | S ts an upper soft limit on the supply’s programmed output current. If the soft limit | |
| is | xceeded, or if the soft limit value is lower than the present output current |
| setting, the supply will ignore the command, turn on the ERR LED, and set the | |
| ERR b in the bit registers. | |
| Range: 0 to model maximum output current (IMAX) | |
| Initial value: model IMAX | |
IMAX? | Asks for he supply’s soft current limit setting. | |
| R | ponse: IMAX <current> |
IOUT? | M asures the supply’s actual current output using the | |
| circuitry. | |
| R | ponse: IOUT <current> |
| |
IRDAT | Calculates a d records the slope and offset for readback voltage using IRLO and | |
<Ilo>,<Ihi> | IRHI data. Set CMODE ON before using this command. See also the calibration | |
| procedures in Chapter 4. | |
| <Ilo> and <Ihi> are in <current> format. | |
| |
IRHI | The power supply outputs a current value to an external device connected as part of | |
| the cal bration procedure and records a current readback value internally. These | |
| values are at the high end of the programmed current range. Refer to the output | |
| value as IRHI and record it to use as input with the IRDAT command. Set | |
| CMODE ON before using this command. See also the calibration procedures in | |
| Chapter 4. | |
| |
IRLO | The power supply outputs a current value to an external device connected as part of | |
| the calibration procedure and records a current readback value internally. These | |
| values are at the low end of the programmed current range. Refer to the output | |
| value as IRLO and record it to use as input with the IRDAT command. Set | |
| CMODE ON before using this command. See also the calibration procedures in | |
| Chapter 4. | |
| |
ISET <current> | Sets the power supply’s output current in amps (default) or in milliamps. This | |
| programmed current is the actual output in CC mode or the current limit in CV | |
| mode. | |
| Range: 0 to model maximum output current (IMAX) | |
| Initial value: 0 amps | |
| |
ISET? | Asks for the supply’s present output current setting. Does not apply to current | |
| settings which are being held. See HOLD command. | |
| Response: ISET <current> | |