Select Next to continue.
2.On the next page, select Search for the best driver for your device and then select Next.
3.The next page of the wizard will ask where you would like to look for the device driver.
vIf you are installing the device driver from the product
vIf you are installing from a diskette that you built from the
4.Select Next to continue. Windows should find an updated device driver on the diskette or the
5.The next page of the wizard should confirm that the hardware and device driver are found. Select Next again to begin copying files.
Windows might prompt you for the driver diskette. Type the letter of your drive.
Windows might also prompt you for the Windows 98
6.The wizard reports after the files have finished copying that:
Windows has finished installing the software that your new hardware device requires.
Select Finish to continue.
7.A dialog box displays the following message:
To finish setting up your new hardware, you must restart your computer. Do you want to restart your computer now?
Remove the diskette or
8.Check for the following conditions to determine whether the adapter is working correctly and whether installation has been completed successfully:
vThe device driver files loaded successfully.
vThe Device Manager (System control panel applet) reports that the device is working correctly.
vThe adapter LEDs indicate normal operation: Green ON, Amber OFF.
If you experience problems, see “Chapter 4. Problem solving” on page 37.
Windows 2000
Although Windows 2000 may automatically install a device driver for your adapter, we recommend that you upgrade to the driver included with the adapter. Use the following procedures to install the latest driver.
Installing the driver for a
If your adapter is already installed in a machine in which you are installing Windows 2000 for the first time, Windows 2000 may detect the adapter and install the default driver. Use the following procedure to install the updated driver that came with your adapter.