LA10008 Unable to register interrupt level xx for this adapter.
Explanation: The hardware interrupt level assigned to this adapter was not able to be registered (hooked) by the device driver.
User Action: Check the configuration of your computer, looking for other devices that are assigned the same interrupt level as this adapter. Try removing the conflicting device from the machine and restarting the computer to see if the problem is resolved. If so, determine whether the conflicting device can be left out of the machine, or whether the machine can be reconfigured to resolve the conflict. Note that in most PCI machines, the PCI BIOS assigns certain system resources to the devices found in the computer, including the interrupt level.
LA10010 A hardware failure occurred while attempting to open the adapter.
Explanation: A hardware error was detected when opening the adapter for network operation.
User Action: Run the diagnostics program to isolate the problem, and contact your support personnel. If no problem was identified by the diagnostics, check that the cable is attached securely to both the adapter and the network interface (wall plate). Switch the computer OFF and then ON again to restart the machine. If the problem persists, contact your support personnel.
LA10011 A possible lobe wire failure was detected while attempting to insert into the network.
Explanation: The adapter is not correctly connected to the
User Action: Check that the cable is securely attached to both the adapter and to the
LA10012 A signal loss condition was detected while attempting to insert into the network.
Explanation: The
User Action: Contact your local network administrator to determine the status of your network, or try connecting again at a later time.
LA10013 The lobe wire connected to the adapter is not attached to the network.
Explanation: The adapter is not correctly connected to the
User Action: Check that the cable is securely attached to both the adapter and to the
LA10014 The configured data rate for the adapter does not match that of the network.
Explanation: The operational speed of the
User Action: Change the setting of the DataRate configuration parameter to match the speed of the network to which the adapter is attached. Your local network administrator should be able to tell you which speed to use.
Setting the DataRate parameter value to Auto will allow the adapter to automatically determine the correct speed setting to use when connecting to the network, provided that this is not the only adapter active on the Token Ring.
This message is relevant for
Consult the adapter installation instructions for additional information on setting the DataRate parameter.
LA10015 An adapter timeout occurred while attempting to insert into the network.
Explanation: The
User Action: Contact your local network administrator to determine the status of your network, or try connecting again at a later time.