IBM 16/4 Token-Ring Appendix E. Novell NetWare Server messages, IBMTRPO-xx-202 Adapter UAA BIA is

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Appendix E. Novell NetWare Server messages


The adapter UAA (BIA) is xxx.

Explanation: Information only.

User Action: None.


The adapter is using an LAA of xxx.

Explanation: Information only.

User Action: None.


Revision level xxx of the adapter is incompatible with this driver version.

Explanation: The Revision ID of the adapter is not one that is supported by this version of the device driver. This correlation is enforced to ensure an appropriate match between the hardware and the device driver software.

User Action: Contact your customer service center for assistance. You might need to upgrade your adapter, use a different version of the device driver, or both.


A device driver initialization error occurred (failure code xxx).

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during initialization of the device driver.

User Action: Shut down the computer and switch OFF the power to the machine. Restart the computer by switching it ON again. If the error persists, contact your customer service center.


The configuration parameter xxx was specified incorrectly. Its default value will be used.

Explanation: The value of a configuration parameter was incorrectly specified.

User Action: Edit the configuration file (or rerun the configuration program) to specify a value that is of the correct type and within the allowed range. Check the installation instructions for additional information.


The configuration parameter values have forced the internal data blocks to exceed the allowed limit.

Explanation: The combination of configuration parameters being used requires more than the 64-KB memory area that is available for this adapter instance to hold its internal control information.

User Action: Lower the value of the TXBUFFERS or RXBUFFERS parameters from their current setting to reduce the amount of control-block storage required by the device driver. Unload and reload IBMTRPO to activate this configuration change.


Unable to register interrupt level xxx for this adapter.

Explanation: The hardware interrupt level assigned to this adapter was not able to be registered (hooked) by the device driver.

User Action: Check the configuration of your computer, looking for other devices that are assigned the same interrupt level as this adapter. Try removing the conflicting device from the machine and resting the computer to see if the problem is resolved. If so, determine whether the conflicting device can be left out of the machine, or whether the machine can be reconfigured to resolve the conflict. Note that in most PCI machines, the PCI BIOS assigns certain

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000


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Contents User’s Guide First Edition April Contents Appendix A. CD-ROM content and software packages If YOU Download or USE this Program YOU Agree to These Terms Vi IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Who should read this manual About this manualHow this manual is organized Related publications Adapter installation checklist Wake on LAN Package contentsAutomatic Configuration and Power Interface Acpi Environment limitations on number of adaptersPage IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Installing the adapter Installing the adapter hardwareSelecting adapter cables STP and UTP cables Software installation Operating System Directory Environment DOS with Windows Version Novell NetWare 3.12 ServerSTARTUP.NCF Server driver installation in new NetWare 3.12 ServerServer driver installation in existing NetWare 3.12 Server Select Edit STARTUP.NCF File and press Enter Novell NetWare 4.11 ServerServer driver installation in new NetWare 4.11 Server Server driver installation in existing NetWare 4.11 Server Software installation Novell NetWare 5.0 Server Select Driver Options → Configure network drivers Server driver installation in existing NetWare 5.0 ServerSelect Save parameters and load driver Novell Client DOS/WindowsOS/2 Ndis 2 device driver using Mpts OS/2 Novell NetWare Requester OS/2 Ndis 2 device driver using other installation programsDOS Ndis DOS Novell NetWare Requester 16-bit Windows NT Version Select Start → Settings → Control Panel Windows IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Select Finish to continue the installation Select Device Manager Installing the driver when Windows 98 is already installed Windows This wizard searches for updated drivers for Adapter name Novell IntranetWare Client for Windows NT Updating the driver when Windows 2000 is already installedWindows for Workgroups with Ndis Novell Client for WindowsRunning Managed Driver Upgrade locally Option Explanation Running Managed Driver Upgrade remotelyIBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Symptom Solution Problem solvingStarting the troubleshooting process Using Troubleshooting UtilityStarting Troubleshooting Utility Installing Troubleshooting UtilityWindow / Tab Task Viewing adapter analysis information Status NDIS8025RINGSTATE value Explanation Status NDISHARDWARESTATUS-type Explanation ValueStatus Viewing the event log Running 4/16 Mbps diagnostics Running adapter diagnosticsUnderstanding the adapter LEDs and labels Amber Green Explanation Understanding the adapter LEDsEnvironment Message Type and Action Solving problems with driver installationUnderstanding the adapter labels Amber Green Explanation ActionUsing Pcisetup Solving an adapter communication problemDOS, Novell, Windows, or Windows 95 adapter driver not Contacting IBM product support Tech tips and frequently asked questionsOS/2 Windows NTIBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Operating System Directory Appendix A. CD-ROM content and software packagesImage Description Executable Software packagesDiskette images Package Description ExecutableProduct documentation IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter PROTOCOL.INI files, see on page 58 and on Appendix B. Ndis 2 device driver parametersValid values 256 to 18 Parameter ExplanationValid values 14 to 18,000 Valid values 1 toValid values 0 to DisableAuto PeerPriorityValue Valid values PortNumberSection a Protocol Driver IBM TCP/IP V1.2 for DOS TCPIPnif LA10001 IBM PCI Token-Ring Adapter, Version Appendix C. Ndis 2 device driver messagesIBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Appendix C. Ndis 2 device driver messages User Action None User Action None LA10033 Adapter analysis code isLA10045 Could not find the PROTOCOL.INI file image LA10044 The Ndis 2.0 Protocol Manager could not be openedIBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Load Ibmtrpo line in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file Appendix D. Novell NetWare Server driver parametersAdapter Features document Token-Ring Adapter Features document Valid values 2 to RTTS=Parameter Explanation IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Appendix E. Novell NetWare Server messages User Action None IBMTRPO-xx-203 Adapter is using an LAAIBMTRPO-xx-202 Adapter UAA BIA is IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Appendix E. Novell NetWare Server messages User Action None IBMTRPO-xx-233 Adapter analysis code is IBMRNIC.NLM IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Appendix F. Novell NetWare DOS ODI driver parameters Following parameters can be configured in the NET.CFG fileValid values 9 to M16Valid values NO, YES Appendix G. Notices Trademarks Safety Information IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Appendix G. Notices IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Electronic Emission Notices Avis de conformité aux normes d’Industrie Canada Federal Communications Commission FCC StatementEuropean Norm EN Statement Other Electronic Emission Notices for UTP Media Hinweis zur Elektromagnetischen Verträeglichkeit EmvgIndustry Canada Class a Emission Compliance Statement Appendix G. Notices IBM License Agreement for Productivity Aids IBM Power Cord Part Used in These Countries NumberIf YOU Download or USE this Program YOU Agree to These Terms Protection and Security NetWare Network Computing Products from IBMLabel on documentation must also include the words Production Status Warranty Period* LifetimeIBM Warranty Warranty ServiceLimitation of Liability Extent of WarrantyIBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter Glossary Full-duplex. Synonym for duplex CRC. See cyclic redundancy check CRCLAN. See local area network LAN Open Systems Interconnection OSI reference Open Systems Interconnection OSI architectureSegment. See cable segment, LAN segment, ring segment IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter DOS IndexMpts TXPRIMAX= Txprithresh