Chapter 3 Installing Components
Installing Components Using the CLI
Step 7 Press y and Enter to create the directory and continue. The program prompts you to enter the KDC realm name. For example:
Key Distribution Center (KDC) Realm Name
Enter the Kerberos realm name for the KDC:
The realm name should be consistent with the realm you give to DPEs in this provisioning group.
KDC Interface Address []
KDC FQDN [acme_u6.acme.com]
The program prompts you to confirm the realm name.
Step 8 Press y and Enter to confirm your entry and continue. The program prompts you to enter the KDC service key and the DPE panel. For example:
KDC Service Key and DPE Panel
Please Enter the Necessary Info
Enter Password Here [] 12345678901234567890
Enter Your DPE FQDN [] dpe1.cisco.com
Note Please be aware that the service key consists of 48 characters. If all are not entered the service key will be invalid.
Step 9 The program prompts you to enter the information for another DPE. Press y and enter to add another DPE, or press n and enter to continue.
Note The installation program uses the same voice technology shared key for all DPEs.
Step 10 Press y and Enter to continue. The program displays the installation parameters that you selected. For example:
Installation Parameters
This screen shows the installation parameters that you have chosen:
========== Confirmation ==========
The Component Installation will use the following parameters to install the KDC component:
KDC realm name: ACME.COM
Home directory: /opt/CSCObpr
Data directory: /var/CSCObpr
Step 11 Press y and Enter to install the KDC. The program displays a message when the installation is complete.
Caution After installing the KDC, you must install your licenses and the chain of certificates or the KDC will not start.
| Cisco Broadband Access Center for Cable Installation Guide 2.7 |
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