Chapter 2 Preparing to Install Components
Installation Checklist
Step 2 To determine the file system block size, use the df command. For example:
# df
Example output from the df command is as follows:
/var |
| (/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4 ): | 8192 block size | 1024 frag size |
961240 | total blocks | 851210 free blocks | 755086 available | 243712 total files |
239730 | free files | 35651588 filesys id |
ufs fstype | 0x00000004 flag | 255 filename length |
In this example, the block size is 8192 bytes, which is 8 KB. The block size of the selected directory, therefore, is correct.
Large File Support
Ensure that the file system in which you place database files is configured to support files above 2 GB. To verify large file support:
Step 1 Run the UNIX mount command without parameters.
Step 2 Note whether the intended file system contains the keyword largefiles.
An example output of the mount command is:
/var on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4 read/write/setuid/intr/largefiles/onerror=panic/dev=2200004 on Mon Nov 26 08:07:53
In this example, the output contains the keyword largefiles. This file system, therefore, can support files greater that than 2 GB.
Installation Checklist
Before you run the installation software, use this checklist to ensure that you are ready:
•Verify the prerequisite system hardware and software requirements described in Chapter 1, “Overview”
•Determine the home directory (<BACC_HOME>) in which you want to install the BACC component or components. The default directory is /opt/CSCObpr.
Note Cisco Systems recommends that yo have at least 350 MB of disk space available.
•Ensure that you have root access to the computers where you intend to install BACC components.
•Have your BACC license key or keys at hand. You need a valid license key for each technology that you want to provision with BACC.
•For the RDU, determine where you want to install the data directory (<BACC_DATA>) and the database transaction logs (<BACC_DBLOG>). (The default directory is /var/CSCObpr.)
Cisco Broadband Access Center for Cable Installation Guide 2.7
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