Install Field Replaceable Units (FRUs)
Format a Flash Memory Card
Flash memory cards shipped as spare parts must be formatted. Use only Intel Series 2+ Flash memory cards.
Step 1 Enter format slot0: (or format slot1:) to format the Flash memory card, as follows:
Router# format slot0:
Step 2 At the erase all sectors prompt, press Enter to proceed.
All sectors will be erased, proceed? [confirm]
An example of the copy tftp:filename command
follows for a file in the Flash memory card in PC
Card slot 0:
Router# copy tftp:myfile1 slot0:myfile1
20575008 bytes available on device slot0, proceed? [confirm]
Address or name of remote host []? Loading new.image from (via Ethernet1/0):
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![OK - 7799951/15599616 bytes]
Step 3 At the volume ID prompt, enter the ID
Enter volume id (up to 30 characters):
Formatting sector 1
Format device slot0 completed
Copy Files to Flash Memory
To upgrade to a new Cisco IOS image, copy the image file to Flash memory. Upgrade images one at a time; do not delete all known good images at one time. You cannot copy an image while the system is running from Flash memory.
Use the command copy tftp:filename [bootflash
slot0 slot1]: filename for the copy procedure, where
tftp:filename is the source of the file and [bootflash
slot0 slot1]: filename is the destination in bootflash memory or on either of the Flash memory cards.