Install Field Replaceable Units (FRUs)
Prepare to Remove and Install an RSP
To remove and install an RSP, you will perform the following steps:
•Copy the configuration file using a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server
•Remove the RSP
•Install the RSP
•Connect to the RSP
•Turn the system power back on, if it has been turned off
•Retrieve the configuration file
•Configure high system availability (HSA) or high availability (HA) features, provided you are using two RSPs (Follow the instructions in the appropriate Route Switch Processor Installation and Configuration Guide, such as the Route Switch Processor 8 (RSP8) Installation and Configuration Guide.)
Note The high system availability (HSA) and high availability (HA) features are beyond the scope of this Quick Start Guide. For information on configuring your router for HSA or for HA, refer to the appropriate Route Switch Processor Installation and Configuration Guide, such as the Route Switch Processor 8 (RSP8) Installation and Configuration Guide.