Symbols (X` values), defined below, are used throughout the discussions of the switcher- initiated messages that begins on the next page and the command/response table that begins on page 37. The symbols represent variables in the
] = Carriage return/line feed
}= Carriage return (no line feed)
= Pipe (can be used interchangeably with the } character)
•= space
E = Escape key
W = Can be used interchangeably with the E character X! = Input number (1 through 8)
X@ = Output number (1 or 2)
X# = 0 = off, 1 = on
X$ = Input video type:
0 | = | RGB | 5 | = Betacam 60 | |
1 | = RGBcvS | 6 | = HDTV | ||
2 | = | YUVi | 7 | = | |
3 | = | YUVp | 8 | = | Composite |
4= Betacam 50 X% = Switcher resolution:
00 | = 640x480 | 09 | = 1365x1024 | ||
01 | = 800x600 | 10 | = 720p* | ||
02 | = 832x624 | 11 | = 1080p | ||
03 | = 848x480 | 12 | = 1080i | ||
04 | = 852x480 | 13 | = 1400 x 1050 | ||
05 | = 1024x768* | 14 | = 576p | ||
06 | = 1280x768* | 15 | = 1366x768 | ||
07 | = | 1280x1024* | 16 | = 1365x768 | |
08 | = | 1360x765 | 17 | = 1280x800 | |
| ||
| NOTE: * Native DVI resolution. |
| ||
| ||
X^ = Video refresh rate: |
| |||
0 | = | 50 Hz | 3 | = 75 Hz | |
1 | = | 56 Hz | 4 | = 85 Hz | |
2 | = | 60 Hz | 5 | = AFL* |
NOTE: Lock or AFL is
| 0 | = Horizontal | 2 | = Horizontal +/ Vertical – |
| 1 | = Horizontal | 3 | = Horizontal +/ Vertical + |
X( | = | Color value (0 thru 127) |
| |
X1) | = | Tint value (0 thru 255) |
| |
X1! = | Brightness and contrast value (0 thru 63) | ||||
X1@ = | Size value (range depends on the resolution) | ||||
X1# = | Centering value (range depends on the resolution) | ||||
X1$ = | Blanking value (000 thru 200) |
| ||
X1% | = | Pixel sampling phase (000 thru 031) |
| ||
X1^ = | Horizontal filter value (0 thru 3) |
| ||
X1& = | Vertical filter or | ||||
X1* = | Preset number (01 thru 03) |
| ||
X1( = | Output 1 / Output 2 selection |
| ||
| Output 1 / Output 2 | Output 1 / Output 2 | ||
| 0 | = Off/Off | 2 | = Off/On |
| 1 | = On/Off | 3 | = On/On |
X2) = RGB delay in 0.01 second steps (00 [no delay] to 50 [5.0 seconds]) X2! = Test pattern type (001 through 010)
001 = | color bars | 006 | = alternating pixels | |
002 = | crosshatch | 007 | = film aspect ratio 1.78 | |
003 = | 4x4 crosshatch | 008 | = | film aspect ratio 1.85 |
004 = | gray scale | 009 | = | film aspect ration 2.35 |
005 = | crop | 010 | = ramp |
X2@ = Gain/attenuation:
X2# = Gain value: Numeric dB value, 0 to +9
X2$ = Attenuation value: Numeric dB value,
X2% = Frequency: nnn.nn (kHz [horizontal] or Hz [vertical]) X2^ = Detected input signal standard (0 through 4)
0 | = none | 3 | = NTSC 4.43 |
1 | = NTSC 3.58 | 4 | = SECAM |
2 | = PAL |
NOTE: Dash
X& = Output video type: 0 = RGBHV, 1 = RGBS
X* = Output sync polarity:
X2( = “Take” effect: 00 = cut, 01 = dissolve
ISM 482 Integrated Scaling Matrix Switcher • Programming Guide 33