Command and Response Table for SIS Commands (continued)
Command Function | SIS Command | Response | Additional description |
| (Host to Unit) | (Unit to Host) |
Set audio gain and attenuation |
NOTE: The set gain (G) and set attenuation command (g) are case sensitive. The increment, decrement and view commands are not case sensitive.
Set gain | X!*X2#G | X!AudX2@] |
Example: | 4*3G | 4Aud+•3] |
Set attenuation | X!*X2$g | X!AudX2@] |
Increment level | X!+G | X!AudX2@] |
Decrement level | X!AudX2@] | |
View audio level | X!g | X2@] |
Example: | 4G |
Set gain for input X! to X2# dB. Set gain for input 4 to 3 dB.
Set attenuation for input X! to
The ISM reports that the input 4 audio level is at
Audio mute
| Audio mute on | X@*1Z | X@AmtX#] | Mute the X@ audio output. | |
| Audio mute off | X@*0Z | X@AmtX#] | Unmute the X@ audio output. | |
| View audio mute status | X@Z | X#] | Audio mute is X# for X@ output. | |
Front panel security lockout (Executive mode) |
| ||
| Disable | 0X | Exe0] | Adjustments and selections can | |
| be made from the front panel. | |
| Enable (lock image adjustments) | 1X | Exe1] | Lock front panel adjustments; | |
| adjust image via | |
| View the executive mode status | X | X#] | Show executive mode status. | |
| Example: | X | 0] | Executive mode is off. | |
Verbose mode |
| |
| |||
| NOTE: The default for verbose mode is on for the |
| |||
| Disable (block reports) | E0CV} | Vrb0] | Turn off verbose mode. The ISM does |
| not send the reports listed in Switcher- | |
| initiated messages earlier in this | |
| chapter. |
NOTE: Disabling verbose mode blocks reports for front panel operations only, to this connection
Enable (allow reports) | E1CV} | Vrb1] | Turn on verbose mode. The ISM sends |
| all reports. |
View the verbose mode status | ECV} | X#] | Show verbose mode status. |
Example: | ECV} | 1] | Verbose mode is on (the ISM ISMues |
| reports). |
NOTE: X! = Input number |
| 1 through 8 |
X@ = Output number |
| 1 or 2 |
X# = Freeze and front panel lock status | 0 = off, 1 = on |
| |
X2# = Gain/attenuation |
| |
X2$ = Gain value |
| Numeric dB value, 0 to +9 |
X2% = Attenuation value |
| Numeric dB value, |
ISM 482 Integrated Scaling Matrix Switcher • Programming Guide 42