Selecting DHCP allows the FastStream to request an IP address from the network. The network must have at least one DHCP server.
Default: enabled
set IPDHCP [mp1] [enabled disabled] Requires a SaveConfiguration command get IPDHCP [mp1]
Controls the current default gateways used by any Ethernet port(s) on the unit. If IPDHCP is enabled, the ‘get’ command reports the current IP gateway assigned by the network DHCP server.
set IPGateway [mp1] [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] get IPGateway [mp1]
Sets/displays the current subnet mask. If IPDHCP is enabled (see above), get command reports current subnet mask assigned by DHCP server. Setting this value always modifies the internal NVRAM value of the IP subnet mask whether or not a SaveConfiguration is performed.
set IPSubnetMask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx get IPSubnetMask
Displays the reservation status of the current unit.
Regulates the maximum operating temperature of this unit in degrees Celsius. Valid entries are between 55 and 70 degrees.
Default: 70
set MaxOpTemp [55 – 70] get MaxOpTemp
Controls the collection of standard data metrics within a product via the command’s Start, Stop and Display parameters.
Metrics [Start Stop Display] [drive [BlockDevID] all running]
Regulates the minimum operating temperature of this unit in degrees Celsius. Valid entries are between 0 and 15 degrees.
Default: 0
set MinOpTemp [0 – 15] get MinOpTemp
Regulates the number of degrees Celsius before a thermal control event precipitates a warning to the user. Valid entries are between 0 and 15 degrees.
Default: 0
set OpTempWarn [0 – 15] get OpTempWarn
Lists all the partitions available in the specified RAID Group. The partitions are listed in order of contiguousness (as opposed to index order).
PartitionDisplay [GroupName]
Specifies password for all
Default: Password set Password
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Returns the performance data for the FC port you specify. Data includes the average rate (MB per sec.) and number of I/Os measured over the previous sampling period where a sampling period is approximately one second. Successful SCSI Read (08h, 28h) and Write (Oah, 2Ah) commands are considered I/Os.Reported performance may be affected by FC port and SCSI bus availability and saturation, SCSI device speeds and overall system use.
get Performance <fp>
Sends an ICMP echo request to the specified host.
ping [mp1] [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] <count <size>>
Sets up virtual tape configuration.
QuickTape [TapeLibraryName] [# tape drives] # tape volumes] [RAID Group Name] [MC Vendor ID] MC Product ID] [MC Revision] [TD Vendor ID] [TD Product ID] [TD Revision] [Medium Type] [Hot Spares RAID Group Name disabled] <Barcode prefix>
xiv Appendix