RS485 Commands
Except ‘Nx<c/r>’ (paragraph d), these commands are available also in the fill mode.
a. Activate address x (x=1, 2, 3, …, 62, 63, 64):
Board(s) response:
1.If address x is already active: !x<c/r>
(The board reports that it is already active and has nothing to do.)
2.If address x is not active:
2.1If another address is currently active: ^x<c/r> (I’m going to sleep)
(The ‘falling’ board reports that it received an activation command to another board, then it makes itself inactive.)
2.2If address x exists:
Ax<c/r> (I’m becoming active)
(The ‘rising’ board reports that it makes itself active.)
(Please refer to the notes on the next page.)