Applications, 9 ARP and Telnet, 76 AutoIP, 15, 75
Binary to hexadecimal conversions, 77 BOOTP, 15, 76
Channel settings, 27, 40 Command line interface, 35 Configuration methods, 11 Connect Mode, 42 Connection settings
TCP, 29
UDP, 32
Connectors, 69 Contacts, 2 Default settings
applying in Setup Mode, 58 applying in
DeviceInstaller accessing the unit, 21 assigning the IP address, 16 installing from product CD, 16
DHCP, 15, 75 DHCP name. See Error messages, 66 Ethernet address, 12 Expert settings, 54 Firmware
recovering, 61 upgrading, 60
Gateway, 37 Getting started, 13 Hardware address, 12, 15 Host list settings
Setup Mode, 45
assigning, 16, 23, 37 automatic assignment, 23 factory default, 15 gateway, 37
other ways to assign, 75
requirement, 15
searching for on the network, 17 Label, 12
LEDs, 65
MAC address, 12 Modem emulation, 11 Modem Mode, 46 Monitor Mode, 63 Netmask, 38 Network settings, 22 Null modem cable, 70 Package contents, 13
Password for Telnet configuration, 38 Pinouts, 69
Ethernet connector, 72 serial connector, 69
Power plug, 71 Problems, 66 Protocols, 11 Redirection software, 10 Required information, 15 RJ45 Ethernet port, 71
Serial port
accessing Setup Mode, 19 login, 19
Serial tunneling, 9 Server settings
Setup Mode, 37
accessing by serial port connection, 36 accessing by Telnet. See
SNMP, 56
TCP settings, 29 Technical specifications Technical Support, 68 TFTP, 60 Troubleshooting, 7, 65 UDP settings, 32 Warranty, 79
UDS1100 User Guide | 82 |