ICP DAS USA 100-700 PLCS, DB25, DN-3000 user manual Use Command Block

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DeviceNet to Motor Drives

The DN-3000 supports up to a total of 64 bytes (32 words) of combined Input and Output data. Each word (2 bytes) of Input or Output data can be configured to exchange data with any one valid parameter in any one of the motor drives connected to port 2 of the DN-3000 (see “CONFIGURING PORT 2” for motor drive type and communication parameters).

Use Command Block

In some projects it may be necessary to be able to access more than just the 32 motor drive parameters that can be configured in the Input and Output data. A Command Block reserves the first 3 words of Output data for commands, and the first 3 words of Input data for command results. This reduces your total number of words that can be used for parameter data to 26 words, but adds flexibility by allowing your DeviceNet Host to issue commands to the DN-3000 to access any valid parameter in any motor drive connected to port 2 of the DN-3000. Commands are issued by moving a command code, motor drive address, parameter number, and data into the first 3 words of the Output data (see “COMMAND BLOCK”).

Use Diagnostics

Diagnostics allows the DeviceNet Host to monitor motor drive connections to the DN-3000. The first word of the Input data following the Command Result Block (if any) will be reserved for Diagnostics if this option is selected. The DN-3000 keeps track of the connection status with each motor drive address (0-255). Whenever an attempt to communicate with a motor drive address is successful, the connection status for that address is set to ‘0’. Whenever an attempt to communicate with a motor drive address is unsuccessful, the connection status for that address is set to ‘1’. Of course, returning 256 status bits would require 16 words of Input data (half of the available I/O data). Instead, only 16 bits (1 word) of are returned. Each of the 16 bits of the Diagnostics word represents the status of 16 motor drive addresses, as follows: bit 0 represents motor drive addresses 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, etc.; bit 1 represents motor drive addresses 1, 17, 33, 49, 65, etc.; and so forth. If the status of any of the motor drive addresses represented by a bit is ‘1’, that bit will contain a ‘1’, otherwise, that bit will contain a ‘0’. Note that the status of a motor drive address is set to ‘1’ only if the DN-3000 attempts to communicate with that motor drive address and that attempt is unsuccessful.

Output Data Size

This determines the number of words of Output data that will be used in your project. Output data is data that is output from your DeviceNet Host to the DN-3000 (commands, and parameter data to be written to motor drives). This is also known as the Consumed I/O Data of the DN-3000. If a Command Block is used, it will automatically reserve 3 words of Output data. The combined size of the Input and Output data must not exceed 32 words.

Output Data

Pressing the Output Data button brings up a window allowing you to edit the configuration of the Output data in your project. You can press the Output Data button by clicking on it with your mouse, or moving the focus to the button with the arrow keys and pressing the SPACEBAR. See “OUTPUT DATA TABLE CONFIGURATION”.


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Contents DN-3000 Page Warranty Warranty & NoticesTable of Contents Application Notes Motor Drives Page Introduction IntroductionInstallation Software InstallationGeneral Information Software START-UP Software InformationCreating a Project File Creating Project FilesProject Types Additional Project Menu Sub-Headings Devicenet to Plcs or Devices DeviceNet to PLCs or DevicesDevice Profile DeviceNet Host to Serial PLC with Pass-Through Connection Example ApplicationsDeviceNet Host to Multi-Dropped Serial PLCs Multiple DN-3000s with Different PLC or Device Types DeviceNet to PLCs or Devices Edit Menu Configuring Port #1, DevicenetMAC ID of DN3000 PLC/Device Protocol Configuring Port #2 Plcs or DevicesWire RS422 or RS485 Communications Intermessage Time-Out Configuring Port # 3 PassthroughUse I/O Data Data ConfigurationUse Diagnostics Use Command BlockOutput Data Size Output DataInput Data Input Data SizeOutput Data Table PLC/Device Address Use Output WordFile Number Allen-Bradley PLCs only Register NumberInput Data Table PLC/DeviceAddress Use Input WordCommand Block Devicenet to Motor Drives DeviceNet to Motor DrivesDeviceNet Host to Multi-Dropped Serial Motor Drives DeviceNet Host to Serial Motor DriveMultiple DN-3000s with Different Motor Drive Types DeviceNet to Motor Drives Edit Menu MAC ID of DN3000 Motor Drive Type Configuring Port # 2 Motor DrivesMinimum Delay Between Messages Data Configuration Use Command Block Input Data Size Output Data Table Parameter Number Motor Drive AddressInput Data Table Use Input Word Number Word Parameter Data write command only Word Motor Drive Address CommandWord Motor Drive Address Result Code Command Number Word Returned Parameter Data read command onlyOperation of the Link Switch Upper Link Configuration Mitsubishi Drives OnlyException Table Mitsubishi Drives Only Transferring Project Files Transferring Project FilesDownload Project to DN3000 Transfer OptionsUpload Project from DN3000 VerifyOptions Settings Options SettingsSET Directory Current Directory Path Graphic Area SET COM Port SET Printer Options Default OptionsLoad Options from Disk Save Options to DiskPhysical Dimensions Power RequirementsTechnical Information Visual LED Indicators DIP Switch SettingsSwitch # Normal Off Configuration Diagnostic Flashes followed by a pause Invalid DIP Switch Setting DN-3000 Troubleshooting InformationFlashes followed by a pause Application Notes PLCs and Devices Registers AccessedALLEN-BRADLEY PLC 5, SLC500 and Micrologix Plcs Protocols SupportedIdec FA Series Plcs Idec MICRO-3 PlcsLink Adapter Requirement Koyo / PLC Direct 205 Series Plcs Memory Address PLC Registers AccessedKoyo / PLC Direct / TI 305 Series Plcs Modicon Plcs and Modbus Devices Mitsubishi FX Series PlcsOmron Plcs RTS ControlPass-Through Port Protocol InformationPassthrough Port Note Square D Model 100-700 PlcsToshiba T Series Plcs Toshiba EX and M Series PlcsWestinghouse Plcs Baldor Motor Drives Application Notes Motor DrivesDrive Parameter Numbers Assigned By Panel-Tec Drive Addresses Assigned By Panel-Tec Configuring a Baldor Drive For Serial CommunicationsMitsubishi Motor Drives Configuring a Woods Drive For Serial CommunicationsWoods Motor Drives Yaskawa Motor DrivesDN3000 Configuration Cable Cable DiagramsSolder End Allen BradleyGE Fanuc DN3000 GE Fanuc 90/20, 30Idec Koyo/PLC Direct Mitsubishi Mitsubishi FX SeriesModicon ModiconHost Link OmronSiemens S7 TSX07 Square DTI5 232 Port DN3000 Simatic TI5 SeriesToshiba DN3000 ToshibaBaldor Baldor Motor DrivesMitsubishi Motor Drives Woods Motor Drives Yaskawa Motor Drives DeviceNet DN3000 DeviceNet Cable