On the other hand, if there are multiple G3PDs on multiple Tservers and this occurs, then two clients are using the same link. This is an error condition. Change the configuration so that both clients are not using the same link.
■Invalid Client — The G3PD is not known to the DEFINITY LAN Gateway application. Check the brouter administration on the DEFINITY LAN Gateway. Verify that the brouter administration and G3PD configuration are consistent.
■Offline — A user has run an OA&M Offline command to take the link off line. Use the DEFINITY G3PD Administrator utility’s Online command to bring the link back on line. See ‘‘Offline/Online Command’’ in Chapter 3.
If you need help with DEFINITY switch or DEFINITY LAN Gateway problems, contact the Customer Care Center at:
How Dropped Link Affects T elephony Services Requests
If a particular link goes down, all existing requests associated with that link (monitors, etc.) will be aborted by the switch. The client receives:
■a CSTA Universal Failure Confirmation event for each outstanding request (cstaMakeCall(), etc.). An outstanding CSTA request is one that has not yet received a confirmation event. The error code in the CSTA Universal Failure event is set to RESOURCE_OUT_OF_SERVICE (34).
The user should reissue the request. If other links are available, the new request will succeed. If no other links are available, the client will continue to receive RESOURCE_OUT_OF_SERVICE (34) and should assume service is unavailable.
■a Monitor Ended event for any previously established monitors. The cause is EC_NETWORK_NOT_OBTAINABLE (21). The client should
■a Route Register Abort event is sent to the application when all of the CTI links that support the routeRequestEvents for the registered routing device are down. The application could make use of System and Link Status Notification to determine when the link comes back up. If the application wants to continue the routing service after the CTI link is up, it must issue a cstaRouteRegisterReq() to
Issue 1 — December 2002
DEFNETM.PDF — Avaya CT 1.2 |