Sony CPD-E100P Precautions, Installation, Maintenance, Transportation, Use of the tilt-swivel

Page 4


Warning on power connections

Use the supplied power cord. If you use a different power cord, be sure that it is compatible with your local power supply.

For the customers in the UK

If you use the monitor in the UK, be sure to use the supplied UK power cable.

Example of plug types

for 100 to 120 V AC for 200 to 240 V AC for 240 V AC only

Before disconnecting the power cord, wait at least 30 seconds after turning off the power to allow the static electricity on the screen’s surface to discharge.

After the power is turned on, the screen is demagnetized (degaussed) for about 5 seconds. This generates a strong magnetic field around the screen which may affect data stored on magnetic tapes and disks placed near the monitor. Be sure to keep magnetic recording equipment, tapes, and disks away from the monitor.

The equipment should be installed near an easily accessible outlet.


Do not install the monitor in the following places:

on surfaces (rugs, blankets, etc.) or near materials (curtains, draperies, etc.) that may block the ventilation holes

near heat sources such as radiators or air ducts, or in a place subject to direct sunlight

in a place subject to severe temperature changes

in a place subject to mechanical vibration or shock

on an unstable surface

near equipment which generates magnetism, such as a transformer or high voltage power lines

near or on an electrically charged metal surface


Clean the screen with a soft cloth. If you use a glass cleaning liquid, do not use any type of cleaner containing an anti-static solution or similar additive as this may scratch the screen’s coating.

Do not rub, touch, or tap the surface of the screen with sharp or abrasive items such as a ballpoint pen or screwdriver. This type of contact may result in a scratched picture tube.

Clean the cabinet, panel and controls with a soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution. Do not use any type of abrasive pad, scouring powder or solvent, such as alcohol or benzene.


When you transport this monitor for repair or shipment, use the original carton and packing materials.

Use of the tilt-swivel

This monitor can be adjusted within the angles shown below. To find the center of the monitor’s turning radius, align the center of the monitor’s screen with the centering dots on the stand.

Hold the monitor at the bottom with both hands when you turn it horizontally or vertically. Be careful not to pinch your fingers at the back of the monitor when you tilt the monitor up vertically.




Centering dots


Image 4
Contents Trinitronâ Color Computer Display Owner’s Record Table of Contents Precautions InstallationMaintenance TransportationFront Identifying parts and controlsRear Setup Connect the power cordConnecting to an IBM PC/AT or compatible computer Connecting to a Macintosh or compatible computerTurn on the monitor and computer Selecting the on-screen menu language LanguageInformation If no picture appears on your screenCustomizing Your Monitor Navigating the menuUsing the control button Adjusting the brightness and contrastResetting the adjustments Center Adjusting the color of the picture Color Adjusting the picture’s rotation RotationEnlarging or reducing the picture Zoom Cancel Moire Additional settings DegaussResetting the adjustments Technical Features TroubleshootingTrouble symptoms and remedies Symptom Check these items No picturePicture flickers, bounces Oscillates, or is scrambledSymptom Check these items Picture is ghosting Power is turned onPicture is not centered or sized ProperlySpecifications If the 1 power indicator is greenIf the 1 power indicator is flashing orange Self-diagnosis functionInstallation Table des MatièresPrécautions EntretienTransport Utilisation du support pivotantAvant Identification des composants et des commandesArriè re Tape 1 Raccordez le moniteur à Votre ordinateur InstallationRaccordement à un ordinateur Macintosh ou compatible Si aucune image n’apparaît à l’é cran Appuyez au centre de la manette de commandeEnglish Anglais Personnalisation de votre moniteur Navigation au sein des menusCouleur Pages 7Ré glage de la luminosité et du contraste Utilisation de la manette de commandeRé initialisation des ré glages Position Agrandissement ou ré duction de l’image Zoom Ré glage de la rotation de l’image RotationRé glage de la couleur de l’image Couleur DÉ Magné Tisé /MOIRÉ Ré glages supplé mentairesRé initialisation des ré glages Caracté ristiques techniques Dé pannageSymptô me Vé rifiez Pas d’image Symptô mes et remè des’image est floue Symptô me Vé rifiez Des images fantô mes Apparaissent’image n’est pas centré e ou de Taille incorrecteFonction d’autodiagnostic SpécificationsSi l’indicateur 1 alimentation est allumé en vert Si l’indicateur 1 alimentation clignote en orangeInhalt HinweiseSicherheitsmaßnahmen Warnhinweis zum NetzanschlußAufstellung WartungVorderseite Lage und Funktion der Teile und BedienelementeRü ckseite Anschließen des Gerä ts Schritt 1 Anschließen des Monitors an den ComputerSchritt 2 Anschließen des Netzkabels Anschließen an einen IBM PC/AT oder kompatiblen ComputerWenn auf dem Bildschirm kein Bild erscheint Schritt 3 Einschalten von Monitor und ComputerDrü cken Sie auf die Mitte der Steuertaste Einstellen des Monitors Navigieren in den Menü sDie Steuertaste Einstellen von Helligkeit und KontrastZurü cksetzen der Einstellungen KISSENVERZ/BALANCE GRÖ SSE/LAGETRAPEZFORM/PARALLEL Vergröß ern oder Verkleinern des Bildes Zoomen Einstellen der Bildrotation DrehungEinstellen der Farben des Bildes Farbe ENTMAGNETIS/MOIRE Weitere EinstellungenZurü cksetzen der Einstellungen Technische Merkmale Stö rungsbehebungVordefinierte Modi und Benutzermodi Die EnergiesparfunktionSymptome fü r Fehler und Abhilfemaßnahmen Bildgröß e ist nicht korrekt Die Bildrä nder sind gekrü mmtWellenfö rmige oder elliptische Die Farbe ist nicht gleichmäß igTechnische Daten SelbstdiagnosefunktionWenn die Netzanzeige 1 grün leuchtet Wenn die Netzanzeige 1 orange blinktÍndice InstalaciónPrecauciones Parte frontal Identificación de los componentes y los controlesParte posterior Instalació n Paso 1 Conexió n del monitor al ordenadorPaso 2 Conexió n del cable de alimentació n Conexió n a un ordenador IBM PC/AT o compatiblePaso 3 Encendido del monitor y del ordenador Selecció n del idioma de los menú s en pantalla LenguajeInformació N Si las imá genes no aparecen en pantallaPersonalizació n del monitor Navegació n por el menúUso del botó n de control Ajuste del brillo y del contrasteRestauració n de los ajustes Posició N Ajuste de la rotació n de la imagen Rotació N Ampliació n o reducció n de la imagen ZoomAjuste del color de la imagen Color Desplace el botó n de control /, para girar la imagenDESMAGNETIZAR/MUARE Ajustes complementariosRestauració n de los ajustes Solució n de problemas Características té cnicasModos predefinidos y de usuario Funció n de ahorro de energíaProblemas y soluciones Problema Compruebe lo siguiente Ausencia de imagenLa imagen parpadea, se ondula Oscila o aparece codificadaProblema Compruebe lo siguiente Aparecen imá genes fantasma La imagen aparece descentrada oCon un tamañ o incorrecto Los bordes de la imagen aparecenEspecificaciones Función de autodiagnósticoSi el indicador 1 alimentación está iluminado en verde Si el indicador 1 alimentación parpadea en naranjaInstallazione IndicePrecauzioni Identificazione dei componenti e dei comandi Fronte RetroInstallazione Punto 1Collegamento del monitor al computerPunto 2Collegamento del cavo di alimentazione Collegamento ad un computer IBM PC/AT o compatibilePunto 3Accensione del monitor e del computer Selezione della lingua dei menu a schermoLINGUA/INFORMAZIONE Se sullo schermo non appaiono le immaginiPersonalizzazione del monitor Come spostarsi all’interno del menuUtilizzo del tasto di comando Regolazione della luminosità e del contrastoRipristino delle regolazioni Regolazione dell’angolo dei lati dell’immagine CUSCINO/PIN BalanceTRAPEZIO/PARALL Regolazione del colore dell’immagine Colore Sullo schermo appare il menu RotazioneSpostare il tasto di comando /, per ruotare l’immagine Sullo schermo appare il menu ZoomSMAGNETIZ/MOIRE Impostazioni aggiuntiveRipristino delle regolazioni Guida alla soluzione dei problemi CaratteristicheModo preimpostato e modo utente Funzione di risparmio energeticoSintomi e soluzioni dei problemi Sintomo Controllare quanto segue Assenza d’immagine’immagine è tremolante, salta Oscilla oppure è confusaDelle dimensioni corrette Sintomo Controllare quanto segue ’immagine è sdoppiata’immagine non è centrata o non è Bordi dell’immagine sonoSe l’indicatore di accensione 1 alimentazione è verde Funzione di autodiagnosticaCaratteristiche tecniche Ñîäåðæàíèå Ìåðû ïðåäîñòîðîæíîñòè Ìåðû ïðåäîñòîðîæíîñòè ïðè ïîäêëþ÷åíèè ê ñåòè ýëåêòðîïèòàíèÿИдентификация деталей и органов управления Øàã 1 Ïîäêëþ÷èòå ìîíèòîð ê êîìïüþòåðó Øàã 2 Ïîäêëþ÷èòå êàáåëü ïèòàíèÿØàã 3 Âêëþ÷èòå ìîíèòîð è êîìïüþòåð Âûáîð ÿçûêà â ýêðàííîì ìåíþ LANGUAGE/ÈÍÔÎÐÌÀÖÈßÏîäñòðîéêà ìîíèòîðà Ïåðåìåùåíèå ïî ýêðàííîìó ìåíþÐåãóëèðîâêà ÿðêîñòè è Êîíòðàñòíîñòè èçîáðàæåíèÿÏîäñòðîéêà èçãèáîâ ñòîðîí èçîáðàæåíèÿ ÏÎÄÓØÊÀ/ÄÓÃÀ Ïîäñòðîéêà óãëà ñòîðîí èçîáðàæåíèÿÓâåëè÷åíèå èëè óìåíüøåíèå èçîáðàæåíèÿ Ìàñøòàá Ðåãóëèðîâêà ïîâîðîòà ðàñòðîâîãî èçîáðàæåíèÿ ÂðàùåíèåÐåãóëèðîâêà öâåòà èçîáðàæåíèÿ Öâåò Äîïîëíèòåëüíûå íàñòðîéêè ÐÀÇÌÀÃ./ÏÎÄÀÂË.ÌÓÀÐÀ Cáðîñ íàñòðîåêÏðåäóñòàíîâëåííûå ðåæèìû è íàñòðîéêà ïîëüçîâàòåëåì Ôóíêöèÿ ýêîíîìèè ýíåðãèèÄåìïôåðíàÿ íèòü Ýêðàííûå ñîîáùåíèÿÑèìïòîìû íåïîëàäîê è äåéñòâèÿ ïî èõ óñòðàíåíèþ Ïðèìåð Технические Характеристики Appendix Preset mode timing tableTCO’99 Eco-document Environmental requirements