Nuance comm D60709-22 manual Device Server config.ini, Description Default

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2 SafeCom Go Sharp - Device server

3.Under SafeCom Servers, click the [+] icon to add a failover SafeCom Server.

4.Enter the server address and click OK. To add localhost as the server, leave the Address field blank and click OK.

5.Add the additional failover SafeCom Servers to the list and organize them according to the order in which the failover should progress, using the up and down arrows.

6.Check Enable failover to enable Device Server failover and add SafeCom Device Servers to the list the same way as with the SafeCom servers.

7.Click Save.

2.3.3Device Server config.ini

The following settings can be set by modifying the config.ini file located in the <installdir>/equinox folder.

After editing the config.ini file, the SafeCom Device Server service must be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.

Note: DO NOT use Windows Notepad, as it will mangle line endings. WordPad, or another editor that understands Unix line endings are recommended. Editing the config.ini must be done with due diligence as it otherwise will break the runtime.





Defines if configuration file is



encrypted: ‘true’=enable,









Option to disable the



configuration code against



devices. Useful mostly for



testing purposes to support



simulated devices.






If set to 'true' it enables the


server trace files







If set to 'true' it enables the


safecom protocol trace files







Sets the address that the




devices must refer to.









Sets the location of the


configuration directory







Defines the max size of each



trace file. Defined in bytes


but takes a postfix for larger


units: KB, MB or GB






Defines the number of old


trace files to keep.






Image 15
Contents Nuance SafeCom Go Sharp Nuance Communications, Inc Table of Contents Regulatory information Index ∙ SafeCom Device Server IntroductionSafeCom Go Sharp RequirementsSafeCom Go Sharp supported Sharp OSA-enabled MFPs Identification Method SafeCom ID DevicesSafeCom Go Sharp supported SafeCom ID Devices SerialAvailable documentation Sharp device passwordsAbout this manual Document history Introduction Overview SafeCom Go Sharp Device server installationInstallation SafeCom Go Sharp Device serverOutbound on SafeCom Device Server Protocol Inbound on SafeCom Device Server ProtocolAdd SafeCom Server Configure SafeCom Device ServerLogin to SafeCom Device Server Login to SafeCom Device ServerDescription Default Device Server config.iniDevice icons Add device to a SafeCom Device ServerClick the Add device tool button Add device via SafeCom Device ServerAdd device server Start SafeCom Administrator Add device via SafeCom AdministratorAdd device server device SafeCom Go Sharp Device server Now Remote Operating. Please do not turn off the Power Configure device in SafeCom Device Server∙ Device information ∙ Network settingsCard ID code Card or ID code ∙ Device settings∙ Device Properties External Accounting Application SettingsGet the SafeCom Go Sharp software Select login methodEnable Copy SafeCom Go Sharp How toRegister device Enable E-mailControl user access rights Enable SafeCom Mobile Pull PrintConfiguration Field Default value Settings Restore factory defaultUninstall SafeCom Go Sharp IP address / hostname Installation with SafeCom ControllerSafeCom Controller Write down the IP address of the deviceConnect hardware Switch off the power to the deviceClick Broadcast… Add device in SafeCom AdministratorIP address known from Dhcp server Find it via BroadcastingExample New Sharp devices Configure the Sharp device web interfaceHttp//ip address/soapsharp/safecom.scx Click Standard Application Settings SafeCom Controller Application Name enter Pull Print Click External Accounting3 Sharp Web Interface old modelsClick Standard Applications Application Name enter Pull Print Configure the SafeCom Controller Web Interface Login to the SafeCom Controller Web InterfaceAdvanced Configuration web SafeCom web Copy Idle Timeout is ignored Printer webPrinter Manufacturer should be Sharp SafeCom Go must be YES Specify SafeCom Server and device connection Enable copy tracking for ControllerChange Copy Enabled to YES Click Save and Continue SafeCom Go for Controller How toSet password to prevent unauthorized access Select user identification Disable the Test buttonEnable Copy Control Assign a fixed IP address to the SafeCom ControllerClick Restore Factory Default Enable High Speed PrintAccess Sharp MFP’s System Settings Resend configurationOpen the Sharp MFP’s web page and login Using SafeCom Go Sharp LoginSharp device with SafeCom Device Server Main menu Tap Pull Print Pull Print Document listAccount Select billing code CopyEnter PUK code and PIN code Tap PUK code Register card with PUK codeLogout Enter PUK code Tap PUK codeSharp device with SafeCom Controller Control panel LoginLogin with ID code Tap ID code Login with ID code and PIN code Tap ID codeLogin with Windows Tap Documents Copy Servlets TroubleshootingSafeCom Administrator Unable to locate all SafeCom devices SafeCom Help Desk AssistantAt the printer No billing codes available MFP reports Could not access the accounting server…ERROR5000 Processing is in motion Print performance is slowSafeCom reader does not work Device Server Configuration of devices failedRegulatory information Index Page Index D60709-22